<HEAD><TITLE>DICTIONARY: motor - mottled enamel</TITLE></HEAD>
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<A NAME="motor">
<B>motor, </B>noun, adjective, verb.<DL COMPACT><DD><I>noun </I> <B>1. </B>an engine that makes a machine go. <BR> <I>Ex. an electric motor, a gasoline motor.</I> <DD><B> 2. </B>an apparatus that converts electrical into mechanical energy by the inducing of an electrodynamic response which causes a part (the armature) of the apparatus to revolve. <DD><B> 3. </B><B>=internal-combustion engine.</B> <DD><B> 4. </B>an apparatus that adapts the energy of some natural agent, such as water or wind, or force, such as compression, to mechanical use; prime mover, such as a water wheel or steam engine. <DD><B> 5. </B>an automobile; motorcar. <BR> <I>Ex. The younger generation ... is habituated to motors and cinemas (J. W. R. Scott).</I> <DD><B> 6. </B>a person or thing that imparts motion or compels action. <DD><I>adj. </I> <B>1. </B>run by a motor. <BR> <I>Ex. a motor cart, a motor mechanism.</I> <DD><B> 2. </B>having to do with or by means of automobiles. <BR> <I>Ex. a motor tour.</I> <DD><B> 3. </B>causing or having to do with motion or action; functioning like a motor. <DD><B> 4a. </B>(of nerves) conveying or imparting an impulse from the central nervous system to a muscle or organ which results in motion or activity. <DD><B> b. </B>(of muscles, impulses, and centers) concerned with or involving motion or activity. <DD><B> c. </B>designating the effect of stimuli from the central nervous system causing motion or action. <DD><B> 5. </B>(Psychology.) of, having to do with, or involving muscular or glandular activity. <BR> <I>Ex. a motor response.</I> <DD><I>v.i. </I> to travel by automobile; ride in an automobile. <BR> <I>Ex. The two spent their time ... motoring and walking on the Downs (John Galsworthy).</I> <DD><I>v.t. </I> (Especially British.) to drive by automobile; take in an automobile. </DL>
<A NAME="motorable">
<B>motorable, </B>adjective.<DL COMPACT><DD> that can be traveled over by a motor vehicle. <BR> <I>Ex. motorable roads.</I> </DL>
<A NAME="motorbicycle">
<B>motorbicycle, </B>noun.<DL COMPACT><DD><B> 1. </B>a bicycle with an auxiliary motor. <DD><B> 2. </B>a light motorcycle. </DL>
<A NAME="motorbike">
<B>motorbike, </B>noun.<DL COMPACT><DD> (Informal.) a motorbicycle. <BR> <I>Ex. The motorbike lay on the other side of the road, its wheels in the air, like a dead bug (Atlantic).</I> </DL>
<A NAME="motorbiker">
<B>motorbiker, </B>noun.<DL COMPACT><DD> (Informal.) <DD><B> 1. </B>a motorcyclist. <DD><B> 2. </B>a rider of a motorbicycle. </DL>
<A NAME="motorboat">
<B>motorboat, </B>noun.<DL COMPACT><DD> a boat that is run by a motor. </DL>
<A NAME="motorboater">
<B>motorboater, </B>noun.<DL COMPACT><DD> a person who engages in motorboating. </DL>
<A NAME="motorboating">
<B>motorboating, </B>noun.<DL COMPACT><DD> the sport of riding in a motorboat. <BR> <I>Ex. Motorboating did not become practical or popular until the gasoline engine was perfected in the early 1900's (William W. Robinson).</I> </DL>
<A NAME="motorbus">
<B>motorbus, </B>noun.<DL COMPACT><DD> a bus run by motor. </DL>
<A NAME="motorcade">
<B>motorcade, </B>noun, verb, <B>-caded,</B> <B>-cading.</B><DL COMPACT><DD><I>noun </I> a procession or long line of automobiles. <BR> <I>Ex. The crowd ... had gathered to greetMr. Nehru's motorcade (Times of India).</I> <DD><I>v.i. </I> (Informal.) to travel in or with a large group of automobiles. </DL>
<B>motor carrier,</B><DL COMPACT><DD> a truck or bus line that carries passengers or freight. </DL>
<A NAME="motorcoach">
<B>motorcoach, </B>noun, or <B>motor coach,</B> <B>=motorbus.</B></DL>
<A NAME="motorcourt">
<B>motor court,</B><DL COMPACT><DD> (U.S.) a motel. </DL>
<A NAME="motorcycle">
<B>motorcycle, </B>noun, verb, <B>-cled,</B> <B>-cling.</B><DL COMPACT><DD><I>noun </I> a vehicle like a bicycle but larger and heavier, run by a motor. Sometimes a sidecar is attached to it, with a third wheel to support it. <DD><I>v.i. </I> to travel by motorcycle. </DL>
<A NAME="motorcyclist">
<B>motorcyclist, </B>noun.<DL COMPACT><DD> a person who rides a motorcycle. </DL>
<A NAME="motordrive">
<B>motor drive,</B><DL COMPACT><DD> an electric motor used for operating a machine or machines. </DL>
<A NAME="motordriven">
<B>motor-driven, </B>adjective.<DL COMPACT><DD> driven by a motor or motors. </DL>
<A NAME="motordrome">
<B>motordrome, </B>noun.<DL COMPACT><DD> a rounded course or track, often rising at an angle or in a curve toward its outer edge, upon which automobile and motorcycle races are run. </DL>
<A NAME="motored">
<B>motored, </B>adjective.<DL COMPACT><DD> having a motor or motors. </DL>
<A NAME="motorgenerator">
<B>motor generator</B> or <B>motor generator set,</B><DL COMPACT><DD> an apparatus consisting of a combination of one or more motors and one or more generators, used especially to transform electric currents or to lower voltage. </DL>
<A NAME="motorhome">
<B>motor home,</B><DL COMPACT><DD> a motor vehicle with a long body designed and furnished as living quarters for recreational travel or for camping. <BR> <I>Ex. Ford ... is touring scenic backwaters of the Far West with his boyhood friend Kevin Kennedy in a 27-ft. motor home (Time).</I> </DL>
<A NAME="motorhotel">
<B>motor hotel,</B><DL COMPACT><DD> a motel that provides full hotel service, especially one with garage space, in the downtown section of a city. <BR> <I>Ex. ... a new seven-story motor hotel, to serve the tourist and convention trade (Wall Street Journal).</I> </DL>
<A NAME="motorial">
<B>motorial, </B>adjective.<DL COMPACT><DD><B> 1. </B>of or having to do with motion. <DD><B> 2. </B>of or having to do with a motor nerve. </DL>
<A NAME="motoric">
<B>motoric, </B>adjective.<DL COMPACT><DD> having to do with or causing motion or action. <BR> <I>Ex. motoric rhythm.</I> </DL>
<A NAME="motoring">
<B>motoring, </B>noun.<DL COMPACT><DD> riding in a vehicle operated by a motor. </DL>
<B>motorist, </B>noun.<DL COMPACT><DD> a person who drives or travels in an automobile, especially one who does it a great deal. <BR> <I>Ex. Visiting motorists could cross the frontier at Brest-Litovsk and drive to Moscow (Manchester Guardian).</I> </DL>
<A NAME="motorium">
<B>motorium, </B>noun, pl. <B>-toria.</B><DL COMPACT><DD> the part of an organism which is concerned with motion. </DL>
<A NAME="motorization">
<B>motorization, </B>noun.<DL COMPACT><DD><B> 1. </B>the act or process of motorizing. <DD><B> 2. </B>the state of being motorized. </DL>
<A NAME="motorize">
<B>motorize, </B>transitive verb, <B>-ized,</B> <B>-izing.</B><DL COMPACT><DD><B> 1. </B>to furnish with a motor or motors. <BR> <I>Ex. The Danville voyageurs ... rode in a motorized "box car" (Baltimore Sun).</I> <DD><B> 2. </B>to equip with motor-driven vehicles in place of horses and horse-drawn vehicles. <DD><B> 3. </B>to equip (infantry) with motor-driven transport vehicles, especially trucks, but not to alter the nature of their weapons. </DL>
<A NAME="motorless">
<B>motorless, </B>adjective.<DL COMPACT><DD> having no motor; without a motor. <BR> <I>Ex. motorless aircraft.</I> </DL>
<A NAME="motorlodge">
<B>motor lodge,</B> <B>=motor hotel.</B></DL>
<A NAME="motorlorry">
<B>motor lorry,</B><DL COMPACT><DD> (British.) a motor truck. </DL>
<A NAME="motorman">
<B>motorman, </B>noun, pl. <B>-men.</B><DL COMPACT><DD><B> 1. </B>a man who runs an electric train, streetcar, or monorail. <DD><B> 2. </B>a man who runs a motor. </DL>
<A NAME="motormower">
<B>motor mower,</B><DL COMPACT><DD> a motor-driven lawn mower; power lawn mower. </DL>
<A NAME="motorpool">
<B>motor pool,</B><DL COMPACT><DD> a group of automobiles or other motor vehicles held by an organization for temporary use, as needed, by individuals, but not permanently assigned. </DL>
<A NAME="motorsailer">
<B>motor sailer,</B><DL COMPACT><DD> a sailboat with a motor, usually an inboard motor. </DL>
<A NAME="motorscooter">
<B>motor scooter,</B><DL COMPACT><DD> a vehicle like a child's scooter, except that the driver is seated. It is run by a motor. </DL>
<A NAME="motorship">
<B>motorship, </B>noun.<DL COMPACT><DD> a ship moved by a motor, usually a diesel engine. (Abbr:) M.S. </DL>
<B>motor torpedo boat,</B><DL COMPACT><DD> a small, very fast, and highly maneuverable boat, having little or no armor, equipped with torpedoes, depth charges, anti-aircraft guns, and smoke-screen equipment. </DL>
<A NAME="motortruck">
<B>motor truck,</B><DL COMPACT><DD> a truck with an engine, frame, and wheels made for carrying heavy loads. </DL>
<A NAME="motorvehicle">
<B>motor vehicle,</B><DL COMPACT><DD> a motor-driven vehicle for use on roads and highways, such as an automobile, truck, or bus. </DL>
<A NAME="motorway">
<B>motorway, </B>noun.<DL COMPACT><DD> (British.) a highway with high speed limits and no cross traffic. </DL>
<A NAME="motory">
<B>motory, </B>adjective. <B>=motor.</B></DL>
<A NAME="motown">
<B>Motown, </B>noun.<DL COMPACT><DD> a style of rhythm and blues with a strong beat, which originated in Detroit, Michigan. </DL>
<A NAME="mott">
<B>mott</B> or <B>motte</B> (1), noun.<DL COMPACT><DD> (Southwestern U.S.) a clump of trees in a prairie. </DL>
<A NAME="motte">
<B>motte</B> (2), noun.<DL COMPACT><DD> an earthen mound on which a wooden castle was built in early Norman times. </DL>
<A NAME="mottetto">
<B>mottetto, </B>noun, pl. <B>-ti.</B><DL COMPACT><DD> (Italian.) a motet. </DL>
<A NAME="mottle">
<B>mottle, </B>verb, <B>-tled,</B> <B>-tling,</B> noun.<DL COMPACT><DD><I>v.t. </I> to mark with spots or streaks of different colors or shades. <BR> <I>Ex. the gray stone parapet, mottled with the green and gold of innumerable mosses (Mrs. Humphry Ward).</I> (SYN) dapple. <DD><I>noun </I> <B>1. </B>a mottled coloring or pattern; mottling. <DD><B> 2. </B>a spot, blotch, or streak on a mottled surface. (SYN) variegation. </DL>
<A NAME="mottled">
<B>mottled, </B>adjective.<DL COMPACT><DD> spotted or streaked with different colors or shades; dappled; marbled. </DL>
<A NAME="mottledenamel">
<B>mottled enamel,</B><DL COMPACT><DD> streaked or spotted enamel of the teeth, caused by continued use of water with excessive fluorine during the time the teeth are forming. </DL>